The Scorpions : Virgin Killer
Virgin Killer
is the fourth studio album
by German
Heavy Metal Band
It was released in 1976
and was the band's first album
to attract attention outside Europe.
The title is described
as being a
reference to time as
the killer of innocence.
The original cover featured a
nude prepubescent girl,
which stirred
controversy in the UK,
US and elsewhere.
As a result
, the album was re-issued
with a different cover
in some countries.
In December 2008,
the image again
gave rise to controversy
when the British Internet
Watch Foundation
placed certain pages
from Wikipedia
on its internet blacklist,
since it considered
the image to be
"potentially illegal"
under the
Protection of Children Act 1978.
This resulted in much of the UK
being prevented from
editing Wikipedia,
and significant
public debate
on the decision.
The decision
was reversed by
the IWF after
four days of blocking
I Can't Explain
You Give Me All I Need
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