The Beatles : Everyday Chemistry
I Got A Request For This One ....
OK Here is The Story ....
A Kinda of What If ....
The following is an actual account
of my experiences as of recently.
Because of the nature of
what has happened I must remain
anonymous until I feel it is safe to
reveal my real name,
but for now you
can refer to me as
James Richards.
On Sept. 9, 2009
On Sept. 9, 2009
I experienced something
that I still am having
trouble believing
happened to me.
I came into the possession of
a cassette tape containing
a Beatles album
that was never released.
In fact,
not only was it never released
but it was recorded many years
after they broke up
(and no I'm not talking about Klaatu).
Now this is where
Now this is where
the story becomes slightly
more unbelievable
and it is almost embarrassing
to attempt to explain
the incident to you for fear
of viewing me as completely absurd.
I must assure you,
I am not insane
or on drugs,
and hopefully the audio
from this tape
will be enough proof
that there is more
than we think out there...
I live in Livermore California
I live in Livermore California
but on Sept 9
I was driving home
from Turlock
after visiting a friend
for a few days.
I had my dog with me
and I didn't have
any plans for the day
any plans for the day
so I decided to take a
drive through a place called
Del Puerto Canyon
just west of Turlock.
There is a scenic road
that is a fun drive
and actually
goes through to
I hadn't taken a
cruise through
it for a while so I thought
i would take this way home.
It was about 2pm.
A ways into the canyon
my dog starting acting like
she needed to use the restroom.
So I pulled over to the
first available parking area
to the side of the road
and let her out while I stretched.
At first I didn't notice,
but then I heard
the barking from 30 yards away dog was chasing a rabbit.
Now my dog is a
pretty good dog
but if she is chasing something
then there is no stopping her
so the only thing I could do
was become part of the chase.
They already had about a
They already had about a
40 yard head start
so I had to really book it.
The uneven ground
and soft dirt patches
made it difficult to run
and it wasn't very far
into the chase
I had stepped in a
rabbit hole,
fell and knocked
myself unconscious.
When I woke up
I was in a room
with some furniture
and electronics in it.
I was taken care of
with a bandage on my head
but I still felt uneasy
about the situation
because where I fell
and hit my head was
in a very rural
underpopulated area
with no houses,
and outside the
window of the room
I was in
I could hear traffic.
I wasn't near
I wasn't near
the window
in the room,
it was actually
on the other side
next to a unusual
looking electronic machine
that i didn't recognize
from anywhere I've seen before.
The only reason this stood out
was because it seemed
out of place in a person's home,
which most of the room resembled.
I decided to get up
and look out the window
but the door opened
and in ran my dog,
who was pretty
excited to see me.
When I looked up
there was a man
standing at the door.
He was about 6 ft tall,
had medium long
black hair
and was dressed
casually nice
but gave me a
"greasy" vibe,
if you know what I mean.
He introduced himself as
and asked me
if I was ok,
which I said yes.
He said he found me
unconscious in a field
with my dog barking at me.
So I thanked him
for helping me
and my dog out,
and that I was surprised
my dog even came back to me.
I then asked him
the question that would
make me start wondering
if I in fact had gone crazy...
I asked him
"where am I?".
"About 20 feet away
"About 20 feet away
from where I found you"
he replied.
I told him that couldn't
be possible because
there were no houses
within at least 20 miles
from where I last
remember being.
He then told me
that what he was going
to say next will
be very shocking
and unbelievable,
and that if he didn't actually
experience it himself
then he wouldn't believe it.
He took a look at the machine
near the window
and looked back at me
and said he transported me
into parallel Earth.
He said he traveled to
our Earth dimension
and found me knocked out
in the blazing heat
with nobody around
to help me out.
Normally he said
he doesn't take outsiders
through a portal
but in my case
he thought I needed
urgent help.
I immediately started
I immediately started
asking questions
about traveling to
parallel worlds,
since all I knew about
the topic was
you tube videos
of Michio Kaku.
He told me to slow down
and that he would explain himself.
Apparently in his world a
Parallel Travel machine
can be purchased quite easily,
while not cheap,
its pretty popular
even though the machine
can be dangerous enough
to cause death.
In the 1950's
of his dimension,
the government was
faced with the decision to
continue to fund a space program
(i'm guessing NASA)
or a parallel dimension
program called ARP-D
(i can't remember what he said it
stood for,
i'm pretty sure the P-D
is Parallel Dimensions,
and i remember the acronym
because I noticed it
on alot of the electronics
in the room I was in.)
He then explained
He then explained
that the real danger
of using one of the machines
was exploring new dimensions.
Since there are an
infinite amount of Earths
in other dimensions,
only a small amount have
been explored.
The problem with
exploring unknown dimensions
is the chance you will die
somehow once you walk through
the portal doorway.
He told me that people die
from falling
(if the ground isn't close enough
to where the portal opens),
die from drowning
(there are worlds covered in water,
hard to reopen a
portal underwater),
die from fire,
atmospheric issues...
he said in order for
people to avoid this
they would have to know
that there would be similar ground
in the dimension they
were traveling to.
So his government began
to research worlds
that were
to transport to,
even creating public spots
where people could choose
a menu of worlds
to go to that were all safe.
Many of these worlds
Many of these worlds
were lush vegetation worlds
that were never
ruined by man,
only to be invaded by
the large overcrowded population
of the travelers world.
He said something
about new industries
that opened up
because of this,
one of them being something
like dimensional life brokers,
these people offered
the chance to live as
someone new in an already
established similar world
that doesn't know of
dimensional travel,
nor that there are
people crossing
the dimensional border to.
Jonas said he was an
explorer for one of the
dimensional travel agencies
and was looking in
new uncharted dimensions
and came up my Earth.
We talked about alot of things,
We talked about alot of things,
it was interesting to see what
similiarities and differences
we had between worlds.
Foods, culture,
TV, technlogy...
we covered alot.
We also started talking
about music,
which was an interesting topic because there were many of the same bands between our worlds that existed, including The Beatles. When their name got brought up Jonas mentioned that his brother just got back from seeing them perform at a concert recently, which I gave a weird look to and said "you mean they are still together?", and he said yea. I then told him about how they broke up in our world and that John & George passed away, apparently in his world they are all alive, healthy and on tour still.
Jonas then had me follow him into another room that had a bookshelf looking thing with some cassette tapes (yes the music ones, apparently CD's never caught on in his world) and a tape player/radio/record player, though it didn't quite look like the type of radio's we have, the speakers looked more like crinkled cardboard but sounded pretty good. I didn't get too good of a look at the speakers but they certainly weren't round, they almost looked like a tall accordion.
The only Beatles album he had that was store bought and had real cover art was Sgt Peppers, which the cover looked slightly different then the one we have, but the songs were all the same. The other 6 Beatles tapes he had were all like somebody recorded them onto a blank cassette for him and wrote the song titles on a card slipped in the case. A couple of the album titles written on the tapes I recognized but there were about 4 that I had never heard of before. He played a few songs from one of them, which was totally surreal to hear Beatles music that was never made (at least in our world). We talked about it a little bit, he said a girl made the tapes for him while he was in upper school (what they call high school). She was a huge fan of them and wanted him to listen to them.
Jonas then had me follow him into another room that had a bookshelf looking thing with some cassette tapes (yes the music ones, apparently CD's never caught on in his world) and a tape player/radio/record player, though it didn't quite look like the type of radio's we have, the speakers looked more like crinkled cardboard but sounded pretty good. I didn't get too good of a look at the speakers but they certainly weren't round, they almost looked like a tall accordion.
The only Beatles album he had that was store bought and had real cover art was Sgt Peppers, which the cover looked slightly different then the one we have, but the songs were all the same. The other 6 Beatles tapes he had were all like somebody recorded them onto a blank cassette for him and wrote the song titles on a card slipped in the case. A couple of the album titles written on the tapes I recognized but there were about 4 that I had never heard of before. He played a few songs from one of them, which was totally surreal to hear Beatles music that was never made (at least in our world). We talked about it a little bit, he said a girl made the tapes for him while he was in upper school (what they call high school). She was a huge fan of them and wanted him to listen to them.

He popped out the first tape and was putting in the second one when I told him he should record me a copy of one so I could take it back with me, thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. Well the look Jonas gave me when I said this is part of the reason I am remaining anonymous. Not only did it sort of scare me but it had a very serious almost creepy look to it followed by the phrase (not word for word, i can't remember what he exactly said) "No, you are not to take anything with you back to your world. No pictures, no souvenirs, no tapes, NOTHING." I asked him why and he wouldn't really say except that for my safety I wasn't to take anything back.
Of course I am not the type of person to go through all of this parallel world stuff and not grab something to prove the outrageous story of my experience. So for the moment I told him I wouldn't take anything and changed the subject. About an hour later after some more talking I heard a doorbell ring and he left the room to check the door. I knew that I may not have another chance to take something so I grabbed one of the tapes and put it in my pocket, and then shuffled the tapes around to make it look less obvious that something was missing.
When he came back inside I said I was quickly said I was hungry (to just get us out of the room, i mixed the tapes up a little so it was hard to tell one was missing but I didn't want to be there when he found out), so he then took me in the other room and fed me. For the most part the food tasted like ours but was different product names and colors. The purple ketchup was the strangest. We talked a little bit more and then I expressed the notion that I should be going because it was getting late (the time of day was identical to ours, as is all worlds).
We went back in the room with the machines in it, I grabbed my dog and shook Jonas' hand for taking care of me after I was knocked out. I thanked him again and stepped through the portal (which felt like getting wet but staying dry the entire time, really weird... when i put my dog on the ground she even shook herself like she thought she was wet).
Back in our world I could see my car on the road still and there was straight line burn mark on the ground from where the portal had shown up. It was dark outside and the only reason I noticed the burn was because it was still smoking from the heat. I walked back to my car (didn't run this time) and drove home. The worst part was I couldn't even listen to the tape on the way home because I didn't have a tape player in my car. I actually wasn't even able to listen to it at home either for the same reason and had to go to wal-mart to buy a tape player just to listen to it.
Unfortunately I don't have
any information about
the tape other than what
is written on the card sleeve.
The track names were written,
as well as the album title
"Everyday Chemistry" .
Everything else about it is
as mysterious to you
as it is to me.
It also wasn't like I could have
asked the guy
anything about it,
especially after taking
it from him. - James Richards
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