Kansas : Point of No Return

Point of Know Return 

is the fifth 
studio album
 by American
 rock band
released in 1977

"Dust in the Wind"
 is known for its 
sparse acoustic nature. 
The guitar line
 for the song 
was written by 
Kerry Livgren 
as a finger exercise for
 learning finger picking.
 His wife, Vicci, 
heard what he 
was doing, 
remarked that
 the melody was nice, 
and encouraged him
 to write lyrics for it. 
Livgren was unsure 
whether his fellow
 band members 
would like it, 
since it was 
a departure
 from their
 signature style. 
However he did 
offer it to them, 
and the song was 
accepted and
 then recorded.

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