Jim Croce : Louisiana 1973 ( Final Show )


State University
Prather Coliseum

* Recorded Just An Hour Before 
His Untimely Death   


Rapid Roy 
Workin' at The Car Wash Blues
Roller Derby Queen
Lover's Cross
Speedball Trucker
I Got a Name
Top Hat Bar and Grill
Bad, Bad , Leroy Brown 

More Info on His Death Click Below


On Thursday, September 20, 1973, 
during Croce's Life and Times tour 
and the day before his ABC single
 "I Got a Name" was released, 
Croce, Muehleisen, and five others died
 when their chartered Beechcraft E18S
 crashed into a tree, 
while taking off from 
the Natchitoches Regional Airport 
in Natchitoches, Louisiana. 

Others killed 
in the crash were 
Robert N. Elliott
George Stevens,
 manager and
 booking agent 
Kenneth D. Cortose
road manager
 Dennis Rast.
 Croce had just completed a concert
 at Northwestern State University's
 Prather Coliseum in Natchitoches 
and was flying to Sherman, Texas, 
for a concert at Austin College.
 The plane crashed 
an hour after the concert.
 Jim Croce was 
30 years old.
An investigation showed
 the plane crashed 
after clipping a pecan tree
 at the end of the runway. 
The pilot had failed to
 gain sufficient altitude
 to clear the tree and had
 not tried to avoid it, 
even though it was 
the only tree in the area.
 It was dark,
 but there was a clear sky,
 calm winds, and over
 five miles of visibility with haze. 
The report from the NTSB
]named the probable cause as
 the pilot's failure to see the obstruction 
because of his physical impairment 
and the fog reducing his vision. 
57-year-old Elliott suffered from
 severe coronary artery disease 
and had run three miles
 to the airport from a motel.
 He had an ATP Certificate,
 14,290 hours total flight time
 and 2,190 hours
 in the Beech 18 type.
 A later investigation
 placed the sole blame
 on pilot error due 
to his downwind
 takeoff into a "black hole"
severe darkness limiting
 use of visual references.
Jim Croce was buried at
Haym Salomon Memorial Park
 in Frazer, Pennsylvania.

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